I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice - Chairman Dee Potter at 1600 hours. Members present: Dee Potter, Mike Williams, Bill Britton, and Larry Helsley. Member absent: George Owen. Others present: Chief Alvord, Sleeper Ernie Curran, and Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2013 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC: Britton/Williams approved consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve equipment list for new engine, fiscal impact of $3,500 – Chief Alvord review the equipment needed for the new engine that includes a headset and interface cable, tire chains, and misc brackets and metal all items not to exceed $3,500, we are still waiting on additional quotes prior to purchasing these items. $695 has already been spent on plugs, connectors, and decals to get the engine ready to respond. The Department has paid for the tax and transfer fees over $4,000. MSC: Britton/Williams to approve up to $3,500 equipment list for the new engine.
B. Discuss/Approve fuel and meal expense for explorers to travel to fire academy, fiscal impact of $1,500 – Chief Alvord reported 5 of our explorers have been accepted into the Explorer Academy. The Explorers have been excused from school; they may be able to use a School District van for the trip. The Department has paid $1,700 in tuition for the explorers to attend. Chief Alvord is requesting the District to pay up to $1,500 for fuel and meals for this training trip. The Explorers are doing fundraising for a portion of their tuition and uniforms that are required for the academy. MSC: Britton/Williams to approve up to $1,500 towards fuel and meals for the Explorers to travel to Fire Academy.
C. Discuss/Approve news letter, fiscal impact of $1,800 – Chief Alvord reported the Department donation letter was postponed this year due to the Cal Fire fee, he feels it may be a good idea to include a newsletter along with the donation letter. $1,800 is the top price to create an 8 page newsletter and mail as bulk to all Weaverville post office boxes. Printing costs for the District to print a letter will be around $600. There was discussion regarding what this newsletter will include, and if the newsletter will be soliciting for donations. MSC: Williams/Britton to approve up to $600 towards the newsletter.
D. Discuss/Approve appraisal of Oil Fire School property APN# 024-200-3500 for Weaverville East Connector Roadway Project – Chief Alvord met yesterday with Robert Shaw regarding the East Connector. The connector will come in at 5 Cent Gulch; the idea is to widen Highway 3 to add a turn lane. The appraisal company will look at the entire property, make an average per square foot, apply that to how many square feet they are look at purchasing and make the Fire District an offer. There are 3 pieces of our parcel they are interested in. The District has the option of getting a private appraiser to negotiate a price we are comfortable with. There was discussion regarding hydrant placement and ownership between the Fire District and BLM. No motion was needed; this item was discussed just for informational purposes.
Title (District Clerk) – No public comments, entered into closed session at 1638 hours.
V. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1) - Entered back into open session at 1653 hours. MSC: Helsley/Williams to accept District Clerk Marjie Watkins letter of resignation.
A. Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported the presentation has been made to the Board of Supervisors; it should be approved at their March meeting.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported the Redwood gas station plans have been approved and the station is open. High school and Elementary school were both inspected. Napa and Sr. Apartment sprinkler systems were both inspected and need work. Attended a School District meeting regarding school shootings, Department of Agriculture meetings, and the Every 15 minutes meeting. Attended WES afterschool program for a presentation. The Department had bingo on January 11th and will be selling flowers on Valentines Day. The roof is fixed at the old fire hall on Main Street. Trinity County Fire Chiefs Association is working on purchasing a new Haz-Mat trailer and will be working with SCHMERT for an upcoming training. The old 2121 is parked in back of the station, all the equipment has been removed from the engine, and we are waiting on the FEMA engine awards before deciding on selling or scrapping the engine. A letter was drafted to Linda Wright and CC to Wendy Tyler regarding the HEPA filter contract, Wendy acknowledged the letter, we have not heard back from Linda Wright. There is $1,400 left in the Coulter donation that will be used to finish lighting on the Rescue. Firefighter Heryford is back in the States; he is in Washington and will be home any time in the next year.
C. Sleep Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported Juniors Jon Gier and R.J. Stortz have been keeping the station clean; he has been working on the new engine and running the explorer program. A hazardous tree was removed last week from in front of the station and the generator on the new engine was fixed.
D. Committee Reports –
1. Recruitment Committee – None
2. Collections Committee – 1 claim is headed back to court, 3 collections letters will be ready to send out next month.
3. Contract Committee – None
4. Tuition Committee – None
5. Budget Committee – The committee met last month and there were no changes to the budget.
E. Director Reports –
IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1724 hours.
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Arden Potter, Vice-Chairman Marjie Watkins, District Clerk